#1 Purchase Orders Type
topThe purchase order type is used in order to set the property of an order.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of the features is the following:
Type: Sales order type.
Description: Order type description.
Num. Type / Description: Numeration type associated to the order type.
Auto Execution: If set, the order can be executed from purchase delivery note documents, goods receipt and purchase invoices.
Cash Flow: If set, the order type contributes the cash flow calculation.
Ware. / Warehouse Description: Warehouse of receipt of goods contained on orders belonging of this order type.
Template / Template Description: Movement template of incoming goods contained on orders of this order type.
Control Availability: If set, this type of orders contribute to the availability calculation.
VAT Purch. Agr.: If set, it is searched for item if there is the agricultural VAT code, if it does not exist there is the possibility to consider the normal VAT code.
BuildDate : 27 aprile 2015